Category Archives: Math 7 XL

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences Resources for Teachers


Great resources by AAAS for teachers:   My favorite was this one:  Scorpion Hunters
They are developing teaching materials and linking them to Science Net Link:   click on their collections.  This is the best clearing house of great materials for your classrooms.  It is all free and you do not have to join AAAS.

Social Media Correspondent wanted for American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, August 16-17

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As part of the American Chemical Society (ACS) fall meeting in Boston later this month, the K-12 education division will host a two-day HS chemistry teacher’s program August 16-17.  The program includes workshops, resource sharing, and networking specifically designed for HS teachers.   The American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) is looking for a chemistry teacher attendee to serve as our social media correspondent.  The purpose of the AACT social media correspondent is to share learning experiences and insight about the days’ programs and takeaways with teachers in the ACCT community who couldn’t attend the live program. The correspondent would be responsible for attending both days (August 16-17) of HS day programming while sharing the events of the days via live social media tweets & posts.  Post-meeting they would be responsible for writing a post for the AACT blog which summarizes their experience at the event.

As compensation, AACT will cover the $100 registration fee plus $50 (for current AACT members), -or- cover the $100 registration fee and provide a free AACT membership for nonmembers.

What we’re looking for:

+A current AACT HS teacher member -or- HS chemistry teacher interested in becoming an AACT member

+A currently active Twitter & Facebook user; comfortable using hashtags, attaching images, and using features of both social media platforms.

+Enjoys writing, and can commit to a 400-600 word blog post by August. 27

Please email Nicolle at if you’re interested.  I’m happy to answer any questions or provide more details!

If interested, contact:

Nicolle DiPasquale | Digital Content Editor   American Association of Chemistry Teachers  American Chemical Society

202.872.4428 |
Follow AACTconnect on Facebook & Twitter!

High School Chemistry Teacher Day NERM 2015

Teachers having fun learning ways to improve teaching chemistry.

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Labs and activities by Ed Brush, Emily Sega, and Mike Haff:  NERM manual_Demos and Activities to Egage and Excite Your Students

Kate Anderson of Beyond Benign explaining Green Chemistry techniques using mushrooms to replace styrofoam packing.  Teachers having fun with hands on activities.

Beyond Benign materials: